Time flies when your having fun....

    Holy Moly....What a whirlwind the last 2 weeks has been. I cant believe how fast time is going....freaks me out!
    I leave tomorrow morning for my last week of training in Vernon, I have a very early morning and a long day so I really should be in bed, but instead I have decided to type. What a silly idea...haha. I'm looking forward to this coming week, I hope to learn a lot more about service design so I can apply it to work. I'm also hoping to get to know my co-workers more and make some memories, maybe even a glass of wine or two ; )
    My personal empowerment training is coming to an end very soon. Our last class in on the 27th, and I'm having mixed feelings about it. It has been a very bog part of my life for the past 6 months and I have had the opportunity to get to know some really amazing people who have impacted my life in ways that they will ever know. I am truly grateful for each of them. Completion is always sad for me, but I trust that I will maintain my relationships with my friends. We are connected for life.  As part of our training we raise money for a charity within our community. We chose to do a dinner, dance and silent auction for the Food Bank and Sexual Assult Centre. Oh my goodness....it was an amazing event. There were aprox 370 guests, the food was great, the hall was beautiful, the band was awesome, and everyone had a super fun time! We don't have the final numbers on what exactly we raised for these 2 causes....but cant wait to find out!
    Im planning to go on a trip in January. Not sure where to yet....but somewhere hot, with lots and lots of sunshine!!! I really need to get on working out the details as January will come quickly. Eeeeeeek. I can feel the hot sand between my toes already....how beautiful. : )


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