Fuck Adulting

This week has been a tough one. All around tough.

All I've wanted to do this week is to go away somewhere quiet and peaceful where I could be still and just cry, but apparently when your an adult with responsibilities and a mortgage to pay this isn't an option. Fuck adulting.

I'm in such an intense head space right now and the universe keeps reminding me about it because my outside world is equally as chaotic. My relationships are feeling intense, my work is feeling intense,....even my fucking cat is intense right now. UGH.

I pulled a card from one of my decks tonight and it says: 
                                       "Nothing in all creation is so like God as stillness"
                                                                        -Meister Eckhart-

Well if that's not another message from the Universe, I don't know what is.

Be Still my lovelies.



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