Control and why its not helpful....

As humans we have a tendency to want to control situations we're in; for some people that's much more than others. I have friends who are perfectly content with allowing life to happen and embracing everything that it tossed in their general direction. I also have friends who need to have their hands in everything because they cant let go and feel the need to control an outcome.

I believe most people swing between these two places depending on the situation, or the relationships that are involved.

I imagine it like being in the drivers seat. I feel so much more comfortable when I'm the person with my foot on the gas pedal and my hands on the steering wheel. I can control when the truck slows down, speeds up and how quickly we turn a corner...when I am in the drivers seat I feel safe and secure. When I am the passenger I am putting a whole lot of trust in the person driving in hopes that they will keep me safe and get me to where I need to go in one piece. It's out of my hands, and that feels uncomfortable. However if there is one thing I know for sure its that the best personal growth comes from places that are not comfortable!

Control is a type of fear based thinking because it holds power over us. We judge a situation and label it as either "good" or 'bad" and then we feel the need to do or say things in order to manipulate the outcome. But its important to remember when we are living in fear we cant be living in Love at the same time and when we aren't living in Love we start to lose the flow of life, and our experiences can start to feel challenging.

We can be in the middle of a moment with someone and rather than allowing things to play out naturally we get inside our heads and start to think about what we need to do or say for things to move in the direction we think it 'should' go meanwhile we miss out on incredible opportunities that are right in front of us.

Recognizing control is a tough one to bring to my awareness in the moment and it usually isn't until later that I look back and realize that I was attempting to control a situation because of fear. Some things that I try to do at all times are:

Be present.
Sit back and allow.
Trust every moment and know that whatever is happening is for the greatest good of myself and those around me.
Check in with myself and be honest about how I am feeling.
Don't let my ego get loud and judgey.
and lastly......Breathe.

So my loves...let go of control and see where it takes you! I know you will go somewhere amazing!



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